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First Visit

About Your First Visit

Our practice, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry all recommend that your child visit the dentist six months after the eruption of the first tooth or by the age of one. More than 1 in 4 children in the United States have cavities by the time they are 4 years old and establishing a “Dental Home” for your child will allow for appropriate preventive and routine oral health care.

A child’s first visit to the dentist should be enjoyable and positive. The more you and your child know about the first visit, the better you will feel. Children are not born with a fear of the dentist, but they can fear the unknown. We caution parents about using words around your child that might cause unnecessary fear or anxiety, such as needle, shot, pull, drill or hurt.  It’s best not to describe in detail to your child what will be done at their first appointment. Just make positive general statements like “the dentist is going to look at and brush your teeth”.

We want to help you and your child develop a positive opinion of the dentist and feel at ease from the moment your family arrives at our office. We invite parents to stay with their child during the appointment.

At your child’s first visit, we will review their medical and dental history and perform an examination to evaluate your child’s oral health. Dental radiographs (x-rays), if needed, may also be taken at this visit. We will review the findings of the exam as well as give tips on prevention and diet.

What if I am being referred by another dentist?

You do not need a referral for an appointment.  If you are coming with a referral, we will review your medical history and take additional x-rays or records if needed.  If there are conditions needing treatment a plan for this treatment will be created.

What if Treatment is Needed?

If treatment is needed, a treatment plan will be developed and reviewed. Sometimes we will ask the parent to return for a treatment plan consultation. The treatment plan consultation allows us to explain your child’s diagnosis, treatment needs, options, and enables parents to ask questions. We feel if the parent is informed and feels comfortable with the treatment choice, this helps put the child at ease with their dental needs.